From time to time, the wifi stops. Just turn the power strip behind the TV off, then turn it back on. The wifi usually returns in a few minutes.
The sea air here corrodes locks, so I keep this black tape on the outside door lock.
To open, one easy turn counter-clockwise. Do it gently!
When leaving, make sure you have the key, then just pull the door shut.
The TV is a smart TV. I only watch Netflix, YouTube and Amazon Prime, so I only just need the Blaupunkt remote.
If you want to explore the network, you have to use the MEO remote after turning the TV on with the Blaupunkt remote.
Air conditioning - just turn it on, and it should work.
Algartalhos (supermarket) is about a 5-minute walk.
There is recycling for glass, plastic, metal, and paper. I put everything in this sack and take it out from time to time. The garbage and recycling is on the sidewalk, to the right as you leave the building.
I use the Eco setting and wash everything at 50 degrees. Set the right dial to K and pull out (takes an hour). Then, before emptying, set the right dial to G for centrifuge (takes just a few minutes; for some reason the washer doesn't do this automatically). Hang clothes to dry on the street balcony. Laundry clips are on top of the frig. If it's windy, there are two drying racks in the living room closet.
The sofa-bed is big, comfortable, and really easy to set up.
- Please be gentle with the window blinds - they are expensive to repair if they break.
- The water pressure is adequate, but not great - please don't put too much paper in the toilet.
- I'll probably think of other things to add to this file.